Women's History Month 2024

This year, the Women History Month theme is "Women who Advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)!

Please enjoy our Women Leader's Interviews discussing their advocacy for DEI.
Sonia HR Manager


Human Resources Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
I personally feel that being inclusive of everyone and embracing a diverse work culture helps us as a company be the very best, it also attracts talent that will fit into our positive culture.  As a woman I am inspired by many who broke glass ceilings and paved the way for women to be able to accomplish what we have so far.  One of my favorite quotes is by Shirley Chisolm who was the first African American woman elected to the U.S. Congress when she said “Tremendous amounts of talent is being lost to our society, just because that talent wears a skirt.”  I think of that quote often because you can use it for anyone who is excluded for any reason based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.  When we exclude anyone based on stereotypes or our biased opinions, it is a disservice to us as a whole.  I also believe that it is important to stay curious about other cultures and beliefs that are different from our own.  Don’t make assumptions about anyone.  It opens up so many doors to our own understanding and helps us embrace a work culture that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. 

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

My challenge has been to break down my own biases.  To challenge my own beliefs in some cases.  I have overcome my challenges by staying curious and having an open mind.  I enjoy asking questions, listening to the stories of those around me who may appear to be different than me.  It helps connect us and realize that we are not really that different from one another.   It expands our own understanding of the world around us.  I personally think it is pretty cool! 

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
Women can help to diversity the work place in a lot of ways. We can be grateful for the women who paved the way for us to be able to be where we are today.  I think that it is very important to understand the sacrifices and all that it took to come this far.  This helps us to embrace a more inclusive and diverse environment when we understand that it is something we have to continue to advocate for so we do not go backwards.  We want to continue to see everyone have opportunities equally no matter what. 

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
I think helping to educate others through celebrating things like Black History, Women’s History, Pride, Autism Awareness, Hispanic Heritage and other cultural celebrations is so important.  It is through education that we can all come to a better understanding of that which we may not have understood before.  It is really cool in my opinion to learn new things about our history, about other cultures and others beliefs.  It connects us in ways that are sometimes unexpected and expands our minds and hearts.
Anne Event Support Manager


Expansion Project Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
As a leader, it means I have created an environment that is filled with a variety of identities, perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. 

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

Luckily, in the world of hospitality I don’t feel I have faced challenges because I’m female.  Our industry tends to be more open minded and accepting of differences.  My responsibility as a leader is to ensure that continues in the future by being an example for others.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
For me personally, representation itself went a long way.  Having female leaders, I have felt empowered to advance my own career.  Now that I’m a leader, my goal is to be a mentor who helps encourage my team to step outside their comfort zone. By providing the necessary tools based of their own their own unique needs, it empowers my team to take charge of the next steps in their career.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
I don’t know if this counts as an “initiative” or “strategy” but my goal is to foster a culture of belonging where everyone on the team feels appreciated and included.  It’s that simple.  We recognize we are all different and bring something unique and special to the group. 


Event Resources Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
I try my best to make sure that everyone I meet and work with feels as though they are included. No one should feel as if their opinions or feelings don’t matter and I want to make sure they feel comfortable coming to me with anything.

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?
When faced with challenges in my own career as a woman, I find that politely greeting with a smile and introducing myself so they can learn who I am helps to ensure I am over coming any challenges I may face as a woman. I also like to make sure that I am helping my women coworkers by introducing them to the teams so they aren’t overlooked

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
I think it’s very important for women to advocate for each other. I have had the privilege to work for an incredible female leader since coming to work for Benchmark. She has always made sure that we feel supported and like our voice matters. I try to follow her lead and make sure my female peers know they are supported and can make a difference.


Event Management Director

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
It is about practicing what we preach. DEI is very important to Benchmark and Deloitte and we need to ensure this is what we as an organization are focusing on.

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

I think it’s natural to be drawn to people who think like you. I challenge myself to want to put myself around people with difference in thoughts and backgrounds. This is beneficial to company growth, culture, and innovation.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
I don’t think it’s what women can do, it’s more about what role every person at Deloitte University plays. We need to all lead by example by continuing to make steps toward a more inclusive and diverse workplace.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
Stop thinking of this as a to do and embody it as everyday actions.
Taylor Recruiting Manager


Recruiting Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
I believe it’s very important to not only “talk the talk”, but to also walk the walk. Meaning that it’s not just about speaking up DEI, but putting action behind what we are speaking about. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion isn’t only important to our company and owners, but it’s important in all business out there.

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

I’m fortunate to have not have been faced with challenges within my career, aside from my own personal challenges. I think it’s important to overcome these personal challenges by stepping out of your comfort-zone’, and being open minded to differences of opinion. These differences of thought and background is actually valuable to our company, as it can promote growth for our company and help us continue to be innovative in our processes.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
As a woman, I think it’s important to be a ‘cheerleader’ for other women in business. This can be shown through mentoring, or showing support to other women who are trying to reach a career goal. Simply advocating for other women’s successes can go a long way. Aside from what only women can do to promote this, I think it’s everyone’s responsibility to be advocates for a diverse and inclusive workplace, by being a role model to others and leading by example.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
The biggest thing I find helpful is to have an open mind, and to ask questions when appropriate. Education is the key to growth, in all aspects of life. Another way is to not only put DEI practices into our work life, but to also practice this in our everyday life. We come into contact with people who have differences of opinion or cultures on a daily basis, in and outside of work. How we advocate and show appreciation to these differences can only help us be better individuals.
Jen Manager of Event & Meetings Managers


Manager of Event and Meetings Managers

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
I think it is crucial to advocate for equal opportunities, challenge biases and stereotypes, serve as mentors to other women, and actively participate in diversity initiatives and programs within the workplace. I also try to lead by example to help inspire others to do the same.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
Advocate for equal opportunities for all individuals, seek out diverse perspectives and promote inclusive practices.  Additionally, we can mentor and support other women to help create opportunities for advancement.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
Diversity Training, Mentorship, Flexible Work Environment I feel are all important and effective strategies to a more equitable and diverse environment.


Event Resources Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are three areas that represent the value of the human experience. Every individual is unique, and it is a great thing to recognize our differences. To quote Maya Angelou “We should all know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color. I strive to embody these principles by being a servant leader: focusing on the growth, needs, and well-being of others. Displaying empathy is a large part of this and curating a positive environment of support is crucial to that.

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

The challenges I have experienced while advocating for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are often that of ignorance. Strategies to overcome this involve asking questions, actively listening, and being patient with others and yourself. The goal of this being to develop empathy and the privilege of growing relationships.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
To promote a more inclusive and diverse workplace, women should be willing to step in as a leader and be an advocate for others. Women can recognize the strength of their voice and the merit of their perspective to acknowledge, understand, and uplift those around them.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
 have observed that creating avenues of accessibility helps to promote equitable and diverse environments; for example, providing resources to nursing mothers or making information and instruction more convenient for multilingual associates.



Training and Communications Manager

How do you personally define and embody the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your professional journey?
One of the first classes I facilitated after I starting working here was a class on our company culture. In the class, we talked about our company’s vision and what type of vision each of us had for our own personal and professional careers. One of the personal visions that an associate shared was “I want to make sure that everyone has a place at the table.” That statement has stuck with me ever since, and I think it truly embodies the spirit of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

What challenges have you encountered, and how have you overcome them while advocating for these values?

When it comes to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, I think one of the biggest challenges is making sure you seek out other perspectives that you might not have considered. You don’t know what you don’t know, and it is easy to just see the world through your own lens and go about your day. Making an effort to learn how other people experience the world is not only eye-opening, but it can make you a better advocate.

In your opinion, what role can women play in promoting a more inclusive and diverse workplace?
For those that are comfortable, I think sharing our experiences and obstacles in the workplace is a great way to start a conversation. Speaking up for yourself and advocating for those around you.

Are there specific initiatives or strategies you have found effective in creating amore equitable and diverse environment?
It all starts with the culture at a company. Leadership needs to truly embrace an equitable environment and an open-door policy, making sure it is something that is continually worked on every day.